AS and A Level FAQs
AS and A Level Science: Practical endorsement
AS and A Level Art and Design - H200, H600
- AS and A Level Art and Design: Can centres, students use their personal devices, cloud based programs or storage to produce digital artwork in the exam?
- AS and A Level Art and Design: Can student art work be posted on social media?
- AS and A Level Art and Design: Should the art timed examination be held under exam conditions?
- AS and A Level Art and Design: How long are the timed art examinations?
- AS and A Level Art and Design: What dates are the Externally Set Task pre-release papers available?
- AS and A Level Art and Design: Can teachers see the pre-release papers before the release date?
AS and A Level Biology A - H020, H420
- AS and A Level Biology A: We are planning to change awarding body (exam board). Who do we need to inform and when?
- AS and A Level Biology A: Where can I find details of training events?
- AS and A Level Biology A: Where can I find modified exam papers?
- AS and A Level Biology A: What is Teach Cambridge and how can I gain access to it?
- AS and A Level Biology A: Do OCR hold face-to-face science teacher networks?
- AS and A Level Biology A: Which graphical calculators are permitted in examinations?
AS and A Level Biology B (Advancing Biology) - H022, H422
- AS and A Level Biology B: We are planning to change awarding body (exam board). Who do we need to inform and when?
- AS and A Level Biology B: Where can I find details of training events?
- AS and A Level Biology B: Where can I find modified exam papers?
- AS and A Level Biology B: What is Teach Cambridge and how can I gain access to it?
- AS and A Level Biology B: Which graphical calculators are permitted in examinations?
- AS and A Level Biology B: When are papers and mark schemes from examinations uploaded to Teach Cambridge?
AS and A Level Chemistry A - H032, H432
- AS and A Level Chemistry A: We are planning to change awarding body (exam board). Who do we need to inform and when?
- AS and A Level Chemistry A: Where can I find details of training events?
- AS and A Level Chemistry A: Where can I find modified exam papers?
- AS and A Level Chemistry A: What is Teach Cambridge and how can I gain access to it?
- AS and A Level Chemistry A: Do OCR hold face-to-face science teacher networks?
- AS and A Level Chemistry A: Which graphical calculators are permitted in examinations?
AS and A Level Chemistry B (Salters) - H033, H433
- AS and A Level Chemistry B: We are planning to change awarding body (exam board). Who do we need to inform and when?
- AS and A Level Chemistry B: Where can I find details of training events?
- AS and A Level Chemistry B: Where can I find modified exam papers?
- AS and A Level Chemistry B: What is Teach Cambridge and how can I gain access to it?
- AS and A Level Chemistry B: Do OCR hold face-to-face science teacher networks?
- AS and A Level Chemistry B: Which graphical calculators are permitted in examinations?
AS and A Level Business - H031, H431
- AS and A Level Business: Text has been removed from a past exam paper. I would like to use it for a mock exam. Can I get a copy of the text?
- AS and A Level Business: Do students need to show their workings when doing calculations?
- A Level Business: Which topics are assessed in which A Level paper?
- A Level Business: H431: How do I calculate the ratios?
- A Level Business: What format is used for the final accounts?
- AS and A Level Business: Are students expected to be aware of the changing situation regarding the EU and Brexit?
AS and A Level Classical Civilisation - H008, H408
AS and A Level Classical Greek - H044, H444
AS and A Level Computer Science - H046, H446
- AS and A Level Computer Science: How do I complete the URS?
- AS and A Level Computer Science: How will pseudocode programming questions be written in the exam?
- AS and A Level Computer Science: What programming language should I use?
- AS and A Level Computer Science: What programming languages are authorised?
AS and A Level Design and Technology - H004-H006, H404-H406
- AS and A Level Design and Technology: Can we deliver a specific pathway to our students?
- AS Level Design and Technology: Can we just deliver one set task for the NEA to our students?
- A Level Design and Technology: Do students need to be given a set context to initiate their project?
- AS and A Level Design and Technology: We have quite a few students with particular learning needs, how can I support them with their NEA?
- AS and A Level Design and Technology: Why do OCR refer to ‘users’ and ‘stakeholders’ rather than ‘clients’?
- AS and A Level Design and Technology: How do Technical Specifications link to the plans for making the final prototype(s)?
AS and A Level Drama and Theatre - H059, H459
- AS and A level Drama and Theatre: Can a digital or recorded version of a live performance be used for Section B of the written paper?
- AS and A Level Drama and Theatre: How do I arrange my visit?
- AS and A Level Drama and Theatre: What is the Drama and Theatre Live Theatre Statement?
- AS and A Level Drama and Theatre: Do the practitioners for Practitioners in Practice need to be approved by OCR?
- AS and A Level Drama and Theatre: Are there any restrictions on the production students write about in the A Level performance paper?
AS and A Level Economics - H060, H460
- AS and A Level Economics: When were the revised specifications first assessed?
- AS and A Level Economics: What changes have been made to the revised specifications?
- AS and A Level Economics: Is there a bank of questions for the papers in relation to the revised specifications?
- AS and A Level Economics: Can I still use the old textbook for the revised specification?
- AS and A Level Economics: Are marks deducted for spelling and grammar in the A level Economics exam?
- AS and A Level Economics: What guidance should we be giving to students regarding the rounding of numbers to decimal places?
AS and A Level English Language - H070, H470
AS and A Level English Language and Literature (EMC) - H074, H474
- AS and A Level English Literature and Language: How are the qualifications are co-teachable
- AS and A Level English Language and Literature: Are clean copies of texts required?
- A Level English Language and Literature: What is the non-exam assessment?
- A Level English Language and Literature: What needs to be submitted to OCR for the NEA?
AS and A Level English Literature - H072, H472
- AS and A Level English Literature: Can my poem or short story be used in your specification?
- AS Level English Literature: Component 02 - Will the unseen extract be linked to the topic area from the A Level, or just thematically to the AS prose set text?
- AS Level English Literature: Component 02 - What should be the balance between extract and whole text on prose section of paper 2?
- AS Level English Literature: Component 01 - For the poetry question (section 2), how far should students focus on the printed extract?
- A Level English Literature: Component 02- Why isn’t AO2 assessed in the comparative essay for Section 2?
- A Level English Literature: Component 01 - Why isn’t AO2 assessed in the discursive Shakespeare essay in Section 2, Part B?
AS and A Level Film Studies - H010, H410
- AS and A Level Film Studies: How are the two mark schemes applied to the screenplay NEA option?
- AS and A Level Film Studies: What do students need to include in their evaluations?
- AS and A Level Film Studies: Can students edit the images for their digital stills?
- AS and A Level Film Studies: How should the digital stills be presented?
- AS and A Level Film Studies: For the screenplay option do students need to refer to micro-elements like editing and sound?
- AS and A Level Film Studies: What format should the screenplay be in?
AS and A Level Geography - H081, H481
- AS and A Level Geography: Can my students carry over their NEA if they want to re-take Year 13 Geography again or do they need to start from scratch?
- AS and A Level Geography: Where can I find support for marking and internally moderating the NEAs?
- AS and A Level Geography: What resources are available to support my students with their Independent Investigation?
- AS and A Level Geography: What forms do I need to submit with my student's NEA?
- AS and A Level Geography: What is the deadline for the NEA marks to be submitted to OCR?
- AS and A Level Geography: What geographical skills do I need to teach and are there any resources to support this?
AS and A Level Geology - H014, H414
- AS and A Level Geology: Which graphical calculators are permitted in examinations?
- AS and A Level Geology: Where can I find modified exam papers?
- AS and A Level Geology: When are papers and mark schemes from examinations uploaded to Teach Cambridge?
- AS and A Level Geology: I can no longer find a resource which was on the OCR website or interchange.
- AS and A Level Geology: Who can we ask for subject specialist support?
- AS and A Level Geology: How do I keep up to date with Science at OCR?
AS and A Level History A - H105, H505
- AS and A Level History: Can you put me in touch with other teachers who teach my topics?
- A Level History: How long should students spend on each question in the exams?
- A Level History: How much historiography do my students need to know?
- A Level History: Where can I find more interpretations for my unit 3 depth studies?
- A Level History: Should students answer the unit 3 essay questions thematically or chronologically?
- A Level History: The Unit 3 mark scheme talks about synthesis, what is that?
AS and A Level Latin - H043, H443
AS and A Level Law - H018, H418
- AS and A Level Law: What professional development is available from OCR?
- AS and A Level Law: Where do I find examiner reports and exemplar materials?
- AS and A Level Law: Common queries about topics no longer in the specification.
- A Level Law: Should students include reforms in their answers?
- A Level Law: Are students still required to know about EU law?
- AS and A Level Law: New to teaching OCR Law, where is the best place to get the support and resources I need?
AS and A Level Mathematics A - H230, H240
- AS and A Level Mathematics: Why does OCR offer two specifications and what is the difference between the OCR A and OCR B (MEI) specifications?
- AS and A Level Mathematics: Is there coursework in A Level Maths or Further Maths?
- AS and A Level Mathematics A: Where can I find resources for A Level Maths?
- AS and A Level Mathematics A: When were the reformed A Level Further Maths specifications first assessed?
- AS and A Level Mathematics A: Does my AS Level grade form part of my A Level grade?
- AS and A Level Mathematics A: Will I be able to teach AS and A Level students together in year 12?
AS and A Level Further Mathematics A - H235, H245
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics A: Why do we have two different specifications?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics A: What’s the difference between Mathematics A and Mathematics B?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics A: When were the reformed A Level/Further Maths specifications first assessed?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics A: Where can I find resources for Further Maths?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics: Is there coursework in A Level Maths or Further Maths?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics A: Do I have to study A Level Maths in order to study A Level Further Maths?
AS and A Level Mathematics B (MEI) - H630, H640
- AS and A Level Mathematics: Why does OCR offer two specifications and what is the difference between the OCR A and OCR B (MEI) specifications?
- AS and A Level Mathematics B: Where can I find resources for A Level Maths?
- AS and A Level Mathematics: Is there coursework in A Level Maths or Further Maths?
- AS and A Level Mathematics B: What about formulae booklets?
- AS and A Level Mathematics B: What about calculator use?
- AS and A Level Mathematics B: What is the ‘Use of technology’ requirement in A Level Maths and Further Maths?
AS and A Level Further Mathematics B (MEI) - H635, H645
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics B: Where can I find resources for Further Maths?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics: Is there coursework in A Level Maths or Further Maths?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics B: What about formulae booklets?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics B: What about calculator use?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics B: What is the ‘Use of technology’ requirement in A Level Maths and Further Maths?
- AS and A Level Further Mathematics B: How are the different optional routes graded in Further Maths?
AS and A Level Media Studies - H009, H409
- AS and A Level Media Studies: What media theory do students need to know?
- AS and A Level Media Studies: What changes are being made to the set products for AS and A Level Media Studies?
- AS and A Level Media Studies: Can you give any guidance on timings of delivering each section of the specification?
- AS and A Level Media Studies: What is the focus of the NEA assessment?
- AS and A Level Media Studies: What do students need to include in their NEA productions?
- AS and A Level Media Studies: Do students have to include audio or audio-visual content on their website?
AS and A Level Music - H143, H543
- AS and A Level Music: Use of technology/sequencing for performance
- AS and A Level Music: How long do compositions and performances need to be?
- AS and A Level Music: Sending NEA work to OCR
- AS and A Level Music: Minimum time and score requirements
- A Level Music: Further information and guidance about the focused study
AS and A Level Physics A - H156, H556
- AS and A Level Physics A: We are planning to change awarding body (exam board). Who do we need to inform and when?
- AS and A Level Physics A: Where can I find details of training events?
- AS and A Level Physics A: Where can I find modified exam papers?
- AS and A Level Physics A: What is Teach Cambridge and how can I gain access to it?
- AS and A Level Physics A: Do OCR hold face-to-face science teacher networks?
- AS and A Level Physics A: Which graphical calculators are permitted in examinations?
AS and A Level Physics B (Advancing Physics) - H157, H557
- AS and A Level Physics B: We are planning to change awarding body (exam board). Who do we need to inform and when?
- AS and A Level Physics B: Where can I find details of training events?
- AS and A Level Physics B: Where can I find modified exam papers?
- AS and A Level Physics B: What is Teach Cambridge and how can I gain access to it?
- AS and A Level Physics B: Do OCR hold face-to-face science teacher networks?
- AS and A Level Physics B: When are papers and mark schemes from examinations uploaded to Teach Cambridge?
AS and A Level Physical Education - H155, H555
- AS and A Level PE: Where can I find resources and support?
- AS and A Level PE: What dates do we need to make entries/submit/arrange/apply for by?
- AS and A Level PE: What are the grade boundaries for the AS/A Level qualifications?
- AS and A Level PE: Evaluating and Analysing Performance for Improvement (EAPI) changes for first assessment 2022
- AS and A Level PE: Can we do a Sport which is not listed in the specification?
- AS and A Level PE: Can candidates be assessed on multiple disciplines in the same sport?
AS and A Level Psychology - H167, H567
- AS and A Level Psychology: Which formula should be used for Mann Whitney U?
- AS and A Level Psychology: Where can I find resources and support?
- AS and A Level Psychology: Do students need to know the strengths and weaknesses of debates?
- AS and A Level Psychology: Textbooks and endorsed resources
- AS and A Level Psychology: Do students have to refer to their own experience when designing an investigation for the research methods paper?
- AS and A Level Psychology: What are the mathematical requirements for standard deviation and variance?
AS and A Level Religious Studies - H173, H573
AS and A Level Sociology - H180, H580
- AS and A Level Sociology: How can I create a mock paper?
- AS and A Level Sociology: Where can I find teaching materials and support?
- AS and A Level Sociology: How many points do students need to make in the essay-based questions?
- AS and A Level Sociology: Advice for co-teaching
- AS and A Level Sociology: What type of language might be used in the exams?
- AS and A Level Sociology: Do students need to carry out research projects?