New models are released frequently so awarding bodies do not provide a list of permitted calculators. Instead, the rules regarding calculators are given in the JCQ's Instructions for Conducting Examinations.
For 2019-2020 assessments these can be summarised as follows:
- Calculators must be of a size suitable for use on the desk, either battery or solar powered and free of lids, cases and covers which have printed instructions or formulas.
- Calculators must not be designed or adapted to offer language translators, symbolic algebra manipulation, symbolic differentiation or integration or communication with other machines or the internet.
- Calculators must not be borrowed from another candidate during an examination for any reason.
- Calculators must not have retrievable information stored in them, including databanks, dictionaries, mathematical formulas or text.
- The candidate is responsible for the calculator’s power supply and working condition.
- The candidate is responsible for clearing anything stored in the calculator.
- An invigilator may give a candidate a replacement calculator.
Graphical calculators are allowed.
Please note J560/02 (Foundation tier) and J560/05 (Higher tier) are non-calculator examinations and candidates are not permitted calculators for these.
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