Where can I find resources for the Core Maths qualifications?
A large resource package has been developed by MEI who worked with us on the development of our Core Maths qualifications. These resources are available free of charge from the Core Maths Platform.
To access the Core Maths Platform, register with the Advanced Maths Support Programme (AMSP). Once logged in, you can download:
schemes of work – either for individual components of each Level 3 Certificate or consolidated qualification versions for delivering both components together
lesson plans with PowerPoints and associated student worksheets, including some interactive home study materials
topic assessments
practice papers.
You can also get student logins so that your students can freely access the resources, including some auto-marked computer tests to help with tracking and monitoring.
We also have free resources under the ‘Planning and teaching’ section of the Core Maths A and Core Maths B qualification pages:
schemes of work – for individual components of each Level 3 Certificate
resource lists
topic exploration packs
teaching activities
transition and delivery guides.
Under the ‘Assessment’ section of Core Maths A and Core Maths B, there are candidate style answers to show different levels of candidate responses.
Is a textbook available for Core Maths?
OCR Core Maths A and B (MEI) has been written in conjunction with the MEI team and covers all the components from both specifications.
Are there any CPD courses for Core Maths?
You can book courses on our professional development pages. You can also download materials from past courses from here.
You can also download our free Core Maths videos. These were filmed in the classroom, delivered by teachers and provide good lesson ideas.
CPD is also available from the MEI and AMSP websites.
Are any past papers available?
The following assessment materials are available for our Core Maths qualifications:
Sample assessment materials (SAMs) are available under the ‘Assessment’ section of the Core Maths A and Core Maths B qualification pages.
MEI has produced several sets of practice papers. These are available from the Core Maths Platform. (To access these resources, register with AMSP).
Past papers are hosted securely on Teach Cambridge. Please speak with your Exams Officer if you do not have a Teach Cambridge account.
Where can I find grade boundaries?
Grade boundaries for previous exam series are on our website.
How can I keep up to date with what is going on?
Follow our Twitter account @OCR_Maths and sign up for our Total Maths newsletter for regular updates on new support and the latest qualification information.
We run free regional teacher networks around the country. You can find out more details of upcoming sessions and book a ticket.
We also run online Q&A webinars throughout the year, where you can put questions directly to the Maths Team.
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