What’s the difference between Core Maths A and Core Maths B?
Both qualifications provide a solid foundation in using mathematical and statistical skills in everyday contexts. Core Maths A focuses on critical mathematical thinking and solving real-life problems. Core Maths B has an emphasis on statistics and introduces students to working with a large data set.
Each qualification has two components. The first is a common component on quantitative reasoning, which introduces the techniques that students need for problem solving. Its content is assumed knowledge for the second component. In Core Maths A, the second component covers everyday problem solving, while in Core Maths B it is on statistical problem solving.
Level 3 Certificate in Core Maths A (MEI) H868 | Level 3 Certificate in Core Maths B (MEI) H869 |
Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning (01) – 2 hours |
Critical Maths (02) – 2 hours 60 marks Content: strategies for problem solving, communicating and reflecting on solutions to problems, quantitative understanding of the world, Fermi estimation, probability estimation, fallacies in statistics and probability, statistical experiments and conditional probability. |
Statistical Problem Solving (02)– 2 hours |
Each paper is 50% of the final weighted marks.
Is there any coursework?
No, both of our Core Maths qualifications are assessed by examination.
What pre-release materials are there and when are they available?
Component | Use of pre-release materials | Availability |
Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning (H868/01 and H869/01) | The pre-release material allows candidates to become familiar with particular contexts that will then be used for authentic problem-solving in some of the exam questions. | Available to download by your Exams Officer from Teach Cambridge in mid-March before the June exam. |
Critical Maths (H868/02) |
Statistical Problem Solving (H869/02) | The pre-release material is a large data set that is used as teaching material throughout the course. In the exam it will be assumed that candidates are familiar with the contexts covered by this data set. Half of the marks in the exam will be on questions that are based on the pre-release data set. |
Available to download from the qualification webpage in September. For example, pre-release material for the June 2021 exam series is published in September 2019. |
A printed copy of the pre-release material will be provided in the exam.
When can I issue the pre-release materials to students?
Once we’ve published the pre-release materials online, centres can issue them to students. For remote learning, you can circulate them via a virtual learning platform or as an electronic copy.
How can I deliver the two components of each Core Maths qualification?
There are two options. You can teach Component 01 first followed by component 02 (in series), or teach both components 01 and 02 at the same time (in parallel).
Teaching the qualification in series is an option if you need time to decide which Level 3 Core Maths qualification best suits your students.
Teaching the qualification in parallel allows links to be made between the content in components 01 and 02. Also, both components are delivered to the end of the course when it is assessed.
For delivery in series, we have individual component schemes of work available on our Core Maths qualification pages. For delivering both components in parallel there are qualification schemes of work on the Core Maths Platform. (To access these resources, register with AMSP.)
We have several students who are towards the bottom end of the ability range. Will the Core Maths qualifications be accessible to them?
Most of the mathematical methods and techniques are from the Foundation and, occasionally, Higher content of GCSE Maths. Only a minimum of 20% of the overall assessment is based on more challenging mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from beyond GCSE.
As for other Level 3 Maths qualifications, a large font size, spacing between questions and left-aligned text in tables improves the readability of question papers.
Which grades are available for Core Maths qualifications?
Core Maths qualifications are awarded on a scale of A, B, C, D and E.
If the component papers are out of different amounts, how are they graded?
Component 01 is marked out of 72 marks and component 02 out of 60 marks. Each component is worth 50% of the assessment.
The overall qualification grade is calculated by adding together the marks for the first component (IQR) and the weighted marks for the second component to give their total weighted mark. Component 02 is scaled by a factor of 1.2.
This total weighted mark is then compared to the qualification grade boundaries for the relevant exam series to determine the overall qualification grade.
What are the requirements for resitting?
Candidates must retake both components of the qualification.
Will formulae be provided in Core Maths exams?
All formulae that candidates need to know are detailed in the specification content or should be known from GCSE. Any other formulae required will be given in an exam question.
A formulae and statistical tables booklet will be provided in the Statistical Problem Solving exam.
One of the qualification objectives is about using appropriate technology. What does this mean?
Candidates are expected to use technology, such as spreadsheets and scientific or graphical calculators, during their studies. Calculator use and the use of spreadsheets and spreadsheet formulae are assessed in component 01. Questions may include printouts from spreadsheets which candidates will need to either complete or interpret.
Are calculators allowed in Core Maths exams?
Scientific and graphical calculators can be used in all Core Maths exams. They are subject to the rules given in the JCQ’s Instructions for Conducting Examinations.
Some questions may ask candidates to work without a calculator. In these cases no credit will be given for answers with insufficient working.
Graphical calculators or graphing software are useful tools for delivering some of the content in the classroom.
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