The information in this article is current as of December 2023. Discount codes can and do change, please check the DfE site for the latest discount codes
What are the discount codes for the redeveloped Cambridge Nationals in Engineering?
The discount codes for the redeveloped Engineering qualifications are currently:
- OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Engineering Design: XA1
- OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Engineering Manufacture: WA6
- OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Engineering Programmable Systems: XJ14
All three Cambridge National Engineering qualifications can contribute to performance tables when done together (in any combination).
Can a student take the Cambridge National in Engineering Design and GCSE Engineering?
The Cambridge National in Engineering Design has the same discount code as GCSE Engineering. The student will receive both qualifications. However, only one of the qualifications will count for the school in performance measures.
If both are taken, the 'early entry rule' determines which qualification will contribute to performance tables. If GCSE Engineering is taken in the same series as the Cambridge National is certificated, the GCSE will count. If the Cambridge National is certificated in a series before the GCSE, the Cambridge National will count.
Further details about how the ‘early entry’ rule applies to Cambridge Nationals can be found on our website.
Can a student take the Cambridge National in Engineering Manufacture and/or the Cambridge National in Engineering Programmable Systems alongside GCSE Engineering?
We do not encourage this. Although these qualifications have different discount codes, we did not intend these qualifications to be taken alongside GCSE Engineering.
The Cambridge National suite of Engineering qualifications have different discount codes to allow a student to take all three OCR Cambridge National qualifications in any combination. They should not be combined with any other Engineering qualifications.
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