The information in this article is current as of December 2023. Discount codes can and do change, please check the DfE site for the latest discount codes
What are the discount codes for the redeveloped Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science and Sport Studies?
The discount codes for our Cambridge Nationals in Sport are:
- Sport Science: MA11
- Sport Studies: MA1
If we offer both Sport Science and Sport Studies, will they contribute to performance tables?
Yes,both Sport Science and Sport Studies can be taken together and contribute to performance tables.
Does GCSE PE discount Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science and Sport Studies?
GCSE PE has a discount code of MA1, the same as Sport Studies. This means only one of the qualifications can contribute to performance tables for a student.
The discount code for Sport Science is MA11 and does not discount with GCSE PE. Both can contribute for a student.
If two qualifications have the same discount code, does that mean we cannot offer both?
You can offer both and the student will receive both qualifications. However, only one of the qualifications will count for the school in performance measures. Which of the two that will count for the school is determined by the ‘early entry rule’. The qualification taken first is the one that will contribute to performance tables. Further details about how the ‘early entry’ rule applies to Cambridge Nationals can be found on our website.
If a student completes both GCSE PE and Cambridge Nationals Sport Studies, which qualification will count?
The student will receive both qualifications. However, only one of the qualifications will count for the school in performance measures and is determined by the 'early entry' rule above:
- If the Cambridge National in Sport Studies is certificated ('cashed-in') in a series before GCSE PE (eg the January series), the Cambridge National result will be included in your performance table data.
- If the Cambridge National in Sport Studies is certificated ('cashed-in') in the same series as GCSE PE, the GCSE result will be used for your performance table data
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