Subject terminology is the specific phrasing featured as part of AO2 and means the inclusion of relevant literary and linguistic terms. These should be included but not at the cost of relevant and perceptive explanation of the effect of the writer’s craft. In other words, students should not include subject terminology without any explanation. The mark scheme gives guidance on this:
Candidates must refer to the use of language and structure in their response. A response which does not achieve a reasonable balance between references to language and to structure cannot achieve the higher levels, as indicated in the level descriptors.'
Level 6 (11–12 marks)
• A skilled analysis which demonstrates a sophisticated appreciation of how the writer has used language and structure to achieve effects and influence the reader. Candidates’ analysis of both language and structure is consistent and detailed.
• Precisely–selected and integrated subject terminology deployed to enhance the response.
For further guidance see the examiner reports on Teach Cambridge.
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