We have a qualification page where you can find all the information you need to get started with the: AS Level Geography (H081) and the A Level Geography (H481).
The specification is a key document as it details the content and skills to be delivered and how students will be assessed at AS and A Level, as well as essential administrative information.
To help you plan the course over one or two years we have a course planning guide which outlines models for delivery.
We have provided support for you in teaching our qualifications through the delivery guides. These guides are written by teachers for teachers and they include bespoke teaching and learning activities for most specification topics.
The geography qualifications require the delivery of geographical skills (AS p35 and A level p48), as there will be questions on these skills in the exams. We have produced two interactive resources for GCSE which can also be shared with your AS and A Level students. These explain a range of geographical skills including examples of the graphs, charts and maps.
We have changed the country groupings in our specification, resources and assessments, this was based on research from the IMF and World Bank. Please see our blog article for more support and information: https://www.ocr.org.uk/news/why-acs-edcs-and-lidcs/
All of the resources outlined above can be found within the Teaching tab on Teach Cambridge.
When the AS and A Level qualifications were reformed we developed Sample Assessment Support Materials (SAMs) which aimed to give details about the new style of assessments. The guides to the SAMs explore the variety of question styles, command terms, question tariffs and the assessment objectives. We have added extracts from the mark scheme to show the sorts of points students could include in their answers.
For A Level we also produced another full set of papers which we called practice papers, this was to support teachers with further examples of questions and mark schemes. These papers can be used for mock exams and/or topic tests.
For A Level you can also access candidate exemplars from the 2018, 2019 and 2022 exam series with senior examiner commentary as well as past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports.
Our professional development includes a First Teach A Level Geography course, which can help you understand much more about the qualification. You can access previous training course materials related to A Level Geography via our professional development past events.
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