The Geographical Skills listed on page 48 of the specification can be integrated into any of the components (the 3 examination papers). For the quantitative skills (4.4) outlined in the specification the students need to understand their purpose, the difference between them and be able to use them in appropriate contexts. However for 4.4 (b) we have said 'such as' in the specification to give examples (Chi-squared) but we won't know what teachers have covered so therefore we can't ask about those directly.
These Geographical Skills in the examinations will be assessed against AO3 (Assessment Objective), see page 52 of the specification. As part of these quantitative skills, students need to be able to interpret, analyse and evaluate data and evidence. These quantitative skills are also covered by the Independent Investigation and so they are listed for teachers and students as they may choose to use them in their investigations.
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