Our website hosts a variety of resources to support you producing NEA work. We have model assignments for each unit, which you can use as they are or adapt them to suit you and your students. Any adaptations you make can be checked through the model assignment checking service.
All model assignments can be found on Teach Cambridge.
Our principal moderator has produced some different model assignments for unit 6 which make it more applicable to each of the pathways (Environment, Human Biology and Food Science). These are also useful to look at if you do choose to adapt any of the model assignments to see how it is done.
For unit 6, we have published a ‘Teacher Delivery Pack’ produced by our principal moderator. This walks you through an ideal delivery route for the unit, as well as giving ideas for teaching and examples of parts of NEA assignments completed by students.
We also have a free online course on OCR Train. This covers units 6, 18 and 21 (from the extended certificate) and is designed to provide support with marking and moderation of NEA work. You are able to see examples of work for each unit, mark them and then see the principal moderators feedback. This feedback explains why certain marks were or were not achieved. You can find this through signing into My Cambridge, and clicking on OCR Train.
If you do not have an account for My Cambridge, please speak with your Exams Officer. You can forward them this link to help get you started.
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