Available from Teach Cambridge:
- Specification(s)
- Schemes of work
- Curriculum planners
- Delivery guides with lesson ideas on a range of topics
- Teacher guides on topics such as core studies, areas and perspectives
- Teaching activities for a range of topics including lesson elements and student workbooks
- Assessment guides for teachers and students
- Past exam papers, mark schemes and examiner reports
- Practice assessment materials
- Sample assessment materials (SAMs)
- Candidate exemplars
- Candidate style answers
- Past CPD materials/Book CPD
If you do not have access to Teach Cambridge, please contact your Exams Officer. You can forward them this link to help get you started.
Other useful resources:
- ExamBuilder - Choose from a large bank of questions to build personalised tests and custom mark schemes. (Interchange login required)
- Blogs - Read our latest Psychology blogs as well as other useful educational topics
- Sign up for updates - receive regular newsletters and updates with information, activities, CPD events and more
- Twitter – follow @OCR_Psychology for relevant OCR news, articles, lesson ideas and more
- Contact the OCR Psychology Team at Psychology@OCR.org.uk
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