Our suggested activities are entirely optional. It is essential, for the A Level Practical Endorsement, that students undertake a suitable range of practical work. Our suggestions provide many routes to achieving that aim.
Schools and colleges can use some, all or none of our suggestions to augment their own programmes of practical work.
Exam questions are set without any regard for these suggested activities. Our assessors will not assume that students have carried out any or all of these activities. They will assume that students are familiar with specific practical aspects mentioned in modules 2-6 (Biology A) and 2-5 (Biology B). Whether students have gained this familiarity by carrying out practical work themselves, or having it demonstrated to them, or simply by being told about it, is up to the teachers to decide as they put together their schemes of work.
Planning tables that set out the practical techniques candidates will be expected to have understanding of in the exams are available as part of the Practical Skills Handbook. These tables can be a useful planning aid, helping make sure you cover everything you need to for both the exams and the Practical Endorsement.
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