The geographical skills that students needed to learn are listed in our specification (p17-18). These skills will be assessed throughout the examined components over time. Geographical skills are also included and assessed within the fieldwork sections of the exam papers.
Our Sample Assessment Materials, Practice Papers, 2018 - 2023 assessments show a wide range of questions demonstrating how geographical skills will be assessed. To support your understanding please see the candidate exemplars with Principal Examiner commentary as well as the Examiner Reports as these explain what candidates have done well, how they have achieved marks and where they can also improve their practice. These can be found with the assessment tab on the qualifications pages or for the most recent exam papers, marks schemes and reports you can find them on Teach Cambridge. You will need a login for Teach Cambridge which your exams officer can provide. Assessment materials e.g. GCSE B
To support you in delivering and embedding these geographical skills into your teaching, we have produced a guide which includes a wide range of activities and resource links, these can be found within the planning and teaching section of the qualification page.
We have produced interactive Storymaps to help with the range of different types of graphs, charts and maps that students need to know in GCSE geography, these can be found in the Interactive Resources within the planning and teaching sections on the qualification page.
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