Whilst research and planning is no longer assessed, it is a crucial part of the process students need to complete. Effective research into the conventions and technical codes of relevant media texts is key to the completion of strong production work. Students should also consider:
- Target audience
- Representations
- Genre
- Industry
- Distribution
- Intertextuality
Similarly thoughtful planning is essential. To reach level 5 production work needs to use media language and representation in a sophisticated way, which requires careful planning.
A good way to finish off the research and planning and lead into the Statement of Intent is by getting students to complete a pitch outlining their ideas and incorporating initial pre-production documents. This is also a good point to get audience feedback on the proposed products.
At AS/A Level research and planning materials must be submitted for moderation.
Six other tips about teaching students how to approach the NEA can be found in a blog written by our Subject Advisor, John Hibbert.
Suggestions for preparatory activities can be found in the NEA Delivery Guide.
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