When should we make the certification (‘cash-in’) entry for students completing this summer?
The certification entry should be made at the same time as your unit entries for the June series, by 21 February 2025. The certification entry is the qualification code (Jxxx).
If we do not make certification entries by the 21 February, can we do this later?
Yes, certification entries are free and there are no late fees for making certification entries after 21 February.
Our students are taking the exam in January, can we wait for results to be issued before deciding when to certificate?
Yes. If your students are happy with the January result and met the terminal rule, once results are issued, you can certificate for January by asking your exams offer to make a free ‘late certification request’ on Interchange for the January series. You should do this as soon as possible after results and before the late certification deadline of 25 April 2025.
Our students are taking the exam in January, can they resit the exam and certificate in June?
Yes, your students can resit the exam in June and the terminal rule means that this result will be used towards the student’s final qualification grade. You have until the resit entry deadline of 4 April 2025 to make your resit entries (for the same unit taken in January) without incurring late entry fees. When making resit entries, you should also make the certification entry for June at the same time.
If a student could have certificated for the January series but instead decides to resit the exam in June, can we still request late certification for January after they have taken the exam again in June?
No. All certification requests for January must be made by the post-results late certification deadline which is before the June series exams. The deadline for January 2025 is 25 April 2025.
If we certificate for January, can we certificate again in June to improve the qualification grade?
Yes. When you certificate in the January series, that result will be used for performance tables. A student who decides they want to improve their grade in June must resit the exam. They can resubmit NEA units as well as taking the exam but they cannot take just NEA units. The student will have a result from both the January and June series and can use the best result for progression. However, it's always the first qualification grade that is used for performance tables.
If our students take the exam in January but both NEA units have not been submitted, will the student need to take the exam again?
Yes, to meet the terminal rule the exam must be taken in the student’s final assessment series. Exams taken before the final series are considered a ‘practice’ attempt and will not count towards the student’s qualification grade – they must take the exam again in their final series and this result will be used towards their qualification grade.
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